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TalkdUX. Our World.

Experiences are the key to scale and succeed. But a siloed approach to define and design them isn’t good enough. An end-to-end UX partner with competent design thinking and experience innovation will be the answer to human-centred design.

A Decade of Crafting Human-
Centered Experiences Across…


Monotonous dashboards – intuitively reimagined.


Web Portals

Built on defined user-journeys and desired outcomes.



UX research, design, and development – scratch to success.



Persona driven journeys and experience design driven pages.


Achieved on the Foundation of

Design Thinking Driven Work Model

An approach that begins with understanding of end-user problems before identifying of solutions – centered on discovery & design thinking.

Flexible Engagements

Be it on-demand resource or a scalable team acting as your extended UX arm – flexible deployments means you can select as per your needs.

Re-imagine Experiences Across Your Touchpoints

Let’s Talk